Don't be so sure you understand it still. It is often tough to tell what John says, but it is never unclear what he means. __________________________________________________________________ From: "jd cypherpunks" To: "Shelley" Cc: "cpunks" Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 7:20:49 AM Subject: Re: Is the Wikileaks Party a cypherpunk party? yes, but sometimes I've to read it more than one time to understand it. :) --Michael Am 18.08.2013 um 16:07 schrieb Shelley <[1]>: Ginsberg himself would be envious of John's talent of turning a phrase while ranting wise. That's pure poetry. __________________________________________________________________ On Aug 18, 2013 4:43 AM, John Young <[2]> wrote: Cryptome beats its stick frustrated in a dim cotton pick weigh shed. WikiLeaks wails, release me, dog-fuck-stuck in a worldwide power grid. Manning and Snowden got the humongous brass balls leak exploiters lack exactly like leaker defenders and fans. References 1. 2.