Vitalik Buterin needs killing ( my 2k sats)

pro2rat at pro2rat at
Mon Jan 1 06:38:30 PST 2024

Buttface Buterin has less C-punk credentials than pastor Craig and journalist Julian, yet this serial pest keeps trying to glom onto us.
These tediously repeated attempts resemble Marxist-Communist entrism enough to kill the parasite stone cold dead.  He already resembles a shuffling corpse.
He may serve as a horrible example of what happens to those who try and switch out anarchism for some cheap plastic toy imitation called holocracy.
Those who steal must pay.
The preserved cadaver of Buttface will testify to this for all time.
As will the grease stain formerly known guru Vinay after we throw him in a large fire.

Fake crap C-punks , you all suck arse.  Go die.

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