[ot][spam][crazy] want to move roadkill off road

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Sun Jul 23 07:56:18 PDT 2023

i want to move roadkill off road
i appreciate opportunity to value this
it just feels too meaningful, although i don't remember why, and
that's a huge theme. lots of amnesia-around-core-things.

it's very hard to do this, in a way that has continued and adapted. i
want to sacrifice money for efforts that might value these things
instead. i hope this can help my behavior change.

if [boss-identity] is on board with donating money to causes, maybe
could be on board with defending these living beings .... maybe is!
idea around: each blade of grass is sentient, so we get used to living
among death, as every species does, and we give respect for the death
that happens. it is nice to look for ways to change large scale
behaviors causing a lot of death. this is important to do when in an
area where many are dying.

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