
Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 16:43:54 PST 2022

Ok, the bug is indeed on my end.

At https://viewblock.io/arweave/tx/GK_ffFFjA39-FuvzXoJ47CQvon6uWYRYix55LGcj0tk
one can see that this transaction is not a bundle. It's gzipped data
from KYVE, a data streaming project that I haven't looked into


So, for some reason my code thinks this transaction is a bundle.

I've restarted pdb and stepped into the code that lists the bundles.

(Pdb) n
> /shared/src/log/download.py(141)block_bundles()
-> self._cache_block(block)

Guess I'd better check that function out

(Pdb) l
136                     if block == current_height + 1:
137                         pending = self.peer.tx_pending()
138                         return self._txs2bundles(pending,
f'{len(pending)} pending txs', unconfirmed = True)
139                     else:
140                         raise KeyError(f'block {block} does not exist yet')
141  ->             self._cache_block(block)
142                 bundles = self.bundle_cache[block]
143             return bundles
144         def block_height(self, block):
145             if type(block) is list:
146                 for block in block:

Looks like the bundles are indeed enumerated in the _cache_block function.

(Pdb) list
119                     tags = self.peer.tx_tags(txid)
120                 if
for tag in tags)):
121                     bundles.append(txid)
122             return bundles
123         def _cache_block(self, block):
124  ->         block = self.fetch_block(block)
125             bundles = self._txs2bundles(block.txs, f'Caching
126             self.bundle_cache[block.height] = bundles
127             self.height_cache[block.indep_hash] = block.height
128             return block.height, bundles
129         def block_bundles(self, block):

Now I'm in txs2bundles and I found where it selects bundles and placed
a breakpoint.

(Pdb) list
116                 if unconfirmed:
117                     tags =
118                 else:
119                     tags = self.peer.tx_tags(txid)
120                 if
for tag in tags)):
121 B->                 bundles.append(txid)
122             return bundles
123         def _cache_block(self, block):
124             block = self.fetch_block(block)
125             bundles = self._txs2bundles(block.txs, f'Caching
126             self.bundle_cache[block.height] = bundles
(Pdb) p txid

That's the first bundle it thinks it found in this block.
The filter for what is a bundle is visible here too. It looks for tags
with names that start with the string "Bundle". Maybe the KYVE
transaction matches that.


Yeah. This tx isn't a bundle.

I can check the ANS-104 and ANS-102 specs to see what is a bundle.
I could also add checking code to my implementation so it is more
user-friendly in the future :S this would be a good idea, but since
this isn't actually my current task I might not this time :S which is
maybe not the best idea, unsure.

Arweave bundle specs:

Their tags are Bundle-Format and Bundle-Version.
I guess I'll just be more strict like that.

[user@ log]$ git diff download.py
diff --git a/download.py b/download.py
index 448addb..23721a9 100644
--- a/download.py
+++ b/download.py
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class Stream:
                 tags =
                 tags = self.peer.tx_tags(txid)
-            if
for tag in tags)):
+            if any((ar.utils.b64dec_if_not_bytes(tag['name']) in
(b'Bundle-Format', b'Bundle-Version') for tag in tags)):
         return bundles
     def _cache_block(self, block):

[user@ log]$ python3 download.py hellouniverse.json
Caching 1056142: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5
[00:00<00:00, 10.92tx/s]
Caching 1056143: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 40/40
[00:06<00:00,  6.22tx/s]
Caching 1056144: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 24/24
[00:02<00:00,  8.81tx/s]
Caching 1056145: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5
[00:00<00:00,  7.01tx/s]
Caching 1056146: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 72/72
[00:08<00:00,  8.66tx/s]
yielding capture @ 0
channel data: capture: 4
yielding capture @ 4
channel data: capture: 4
yielding capture @ 8
channel data: capture: 4
yielding capture @ 12
channel data: capture: 4
yielding capture @ 16
channel data: capture: 1
Hello, Universe!

It works :D

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