APster rising

professor rat pro2rat at yahoo.com.au
Fri Jul 29 15:07:50 PDT 2022

One of the funniest things about the inexorable rise of full-spectrum cryptoanarchy is how the worlds last super-power has been enlisted since 2002. Another proof of this will arrive shortly when it grants us such a generous amount of regulatory arbitrage ( Jurisdiction shopping ) that good money drives out bad.  That is good money for us decadent Western liberal Atlanticist's. Bad for KGB Russia and the CCP.
Adoption of deadpool-bounty-law also underlines the use of violence - controlled violence -  in any political-economy. This then exposes all ' peace-loving agorist ' and NAP politicos as liars.
They talk up PEACE! at every opportunity the same way libertarians once talked up smaller, leaner govt and Lenin promised the Proudhonian Commune - its bullshit.  And its more than the usual toxic political bs when carpetbagger pacifists, like Ross Ulbricht and Jeff Berwick. get caught in the act of subsidizing violence. But youse knew that.

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