DRAFT version of Federal "Justice" Shutdown Project

Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 15:48:28 PDT 2018

Hash: SHA256

On 03/22/2018 03:52 PM, jim bell wrote:
> On Thursday, March 22, 2018, 10:57:35 AM PDT, Marina Brown 
> <catskillmarina at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am not in support of borders and i support people's right to 
>>> travel
>> without "Papers".
>> I notice that you don't distinguish between public (government) 
>> borders and private (private property) borders.  Why is that? I 
>> oppose government borders.  But I believe in the concept of 
>> private property, which amounts to the right to exclude others
>> from that property.  We live on the surface (2 dimensional, more
>> or less) of a sphere (Earth) and we desire to travel and have
>> goods (and information) brought to us.  That will require that
>> roads and other utilities be constructed and maintained, and that
>> costs money.  The people who finance such construction will
>> therefore have rights.
> [stuff deleted]
>>> For what it's worth, I also oppose it when government requires 
>>> people to show some sort of identification in order to travel.
>>> But I believe I cannot prohibit it if a private
>>> (non-governmental) company such as an airline decides, for
>>> itself, that it will insist on identification in order to allow
>>> passengers to travel.  The risk to fellow passengers has become
>>> too great (hijacking, bombing, etc) to avoid this, sadly.  I
>>> COULD choose to take airlines that DIDN'T require people to
>>> identify themselves.  Presumably, such airlines will exist when
>>> that is allowed.
> [stuff deleted]
>> Most libertarians are opposed to collectivism. The idea that a
> neihborhood or country is privately owned by the members who then 
> can keep anyone out or kick people out can become rather
> nightmarish form of collectivism.
> Maybe you need to think things through.   We are, indeed, stuck on
> a 2-dimensional surface.   Currently, it is as if all roads are
> owned by some kind of government, a major example of collectivism.
> Generally, libertarians tend to support organization (where it
> exists) at the lowest practical level, as opposed to higher levels.
> Is there some reason that you think it's better that a city
> government over, say, 250,000 people to have control, rather than a
> neighborhood agreement by the owners of, say, 250 houses?   Or of
> 25 houses?
>> I tend to support voluntary associations except when they become
> repressive and totalitarian.
> A person's control over his own property and assets might be 
> (humorously) described as "repressive and totalitarian".
> Remember the comic movie, "History of the World Part 1" by Mel
> Brooks:   "It's good to be the King!". As I see it, the alternative
> to private property is collective ownership, which quickly turns
> into Socialist and Communist control and oppression.  (And I
> consider Naziism to merely be another version of Socialism, see the
> Wikipedia article on Benito Mussolini. 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini  × //
>> Heck, even homeowner associations sometimes
> become repressive. ...which is why i live out in the sticks where
> you don't even need a permit to build things.
> Perfectly good reason.  But maybe a better solution would be to
> ensure that "homowner associations" have no more power than they
> need, to do whatever they were originally intended to accomplish.
> .

That's kind of the key that both left libertarians and regular
libertarians are looking to do.

There are not set solutions. When a solution leads to a totalitarian
situation that is a sign that it is wrong.

> Jim Bell

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