[WAR] - final possibility of WW3 → the USA Israel lobby

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Sat Oct 7 19:40:09 PDT 2017

Well with Putin the new “Don” of the middle east with everyone from
Turkey, Germany, Iran and Iraq to the Israel + Saudi twin peaks of
ME stability and human rights, all racing a line to the Kremlin's
front door for deals and begging rights,

what we’re now left with is simply the death throws of the dying
dragon of the USA's debt-funded war machine, the Mad Dog, being
wagged by its tail, the Israel lobby (USA).

Thus demonstrated is that Trump is completely unfit to by the USA

  “If it really is a matter of Israel ‘wagging the dog’ in respect of
  Donald Trump, this is proof positive that Trump is not fit to be
  the US President as he is no longer putting the interests of his
  own country, nor the collective interests of world peace, before
  the war mongering desires of the rogue Israeli regime.”


>From Mad Man Theory to “Moron Theory”
3 reasons why Donald Trump is defying world opinion over Iran
Whether the chaos of the Trump administration is organised or
otherwise, there is a real risk of danger if the US withdraws from
the JCPOA.
by Adam Garrie
October 7, 2017, 21:27

Those with conscience, and beholden to the whims of Israel, ought do
the world a favour and unilaterally resign from their positions of
demoncratic power in the USA, as a favour to the world, thus allowing
a peaceful reconcilliation of the USA's excessively leveraged
financial position to be balanced with a 1929 reset, WITHOUT the
insisting on World War 3.

That's chaos.

The alternatives are Jim Bell's Assassination Politics, a truly
anarchistic approach to the problem of the despotism of the world's
"elites" (which may bring peace and order, or may also descend into
chaos), civil war or martial war or both (certainly chaotic, and
probably why we're seeing Port-Arthur style "lone gunman" shooting
attack psy-ops), or perhaps a genuine direct democracy/ liberal
anarchy where those in power simply resign themselves to a respect
for the will of every individual in the world (unlikely).

Good luck fellow humans,

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