[info at fsf.org: He invented the Web. Would he give up on free standards?]

Stephen D. Williams sdw at lig.net
Fri Nov 11 09:33:04 PST 2016

VC never said he developed TCP/IP alone, which is why I said co-invented.  Of course there were previous tries at solving networking
problems that were learned from, but they were flawed and we no longer use any of them.  Similarly, every patent depends on the
existence of prior ideas, but is recognized as being a significant leap forward.

> After receiving his doctorate, Cerf became an assistant professor <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor#Assistant_professor> at
> Stanford University from 1972–1976, where he conducted research on packet network interconnection protocols and co-designed the
> DoD TCP/IP protocol suite with Kahn.

TCP/IP solved, to a large extent, every core network protocol problem that needed to be solved to build a working Internet.  It is
amazing that very few changes were made since the first released version.  We all know what we mean by "Vint Cerf invented the
Internet."  We know there was more to it, but what he did enabled everything else with an elegant solution.

"Did a Torvalds"?  Are you now saying that Linus didn't contribute anything significant either?  Oh my.  You are so clueless.

You're ideology is strange and not very useful.

We all wish we could have contributed as centrally to the Internet and related advances.  But that doesn't mean we don't value and
appreciate those who did.  It could have been much worse in many ways.  We could be paying packet charges to national telecoms with
only centralized "security", for instance.  We are very very lucky, and not in an anthropic principle way.


On 11/11/16 9:00 AM, Razer wrote:
> This is exactly what I mean... CERF DID NOT DEVELOP TCPIP ALONE, hence all sorts of offshoots like TP-K inos, jnos etc b/c a ham
> radio operator who was on the tcipip dev team 'did a Torvalds'.
> It's like saying Wozniak and Gates developed personal computers. It's literally idiotic and historically vacant. A stupid-ing down
> of the history of the internet.
> On 11/10/2016 09:03 PM, Stephen D. Williams wrote:
>> On 11/10/16 7:39 PM, Razer wrote:
>>> On 11/10/2016 03:14 PM, Mr Harkness quoted some schmuck:
>>>> Twenty-five years ago, Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
>>> I've seen this claim about a number of different people and you know? It's about as ignorant a thing to say as I can imagine.
>>> One person inventing the WWW... ROTF!
>>> MAYBE the TERM "WWW".
>>> Rr
>> There are a number of well-known cases of specific individuals inventing or co-inventing specific components of the Internet and
>> protocols on it.  TBL invented the World Wide Web in a core and well-known specific sense.  Most of us have read all about it and
>> a few of us were experiencing it real-time, switching from FTP, telnet, and Archie to Mosaic w/ web pages.  Vint Cerf co-invented
>> TCP/IP, commonly summarized as "invented the Internet".  I don't know of anyone else who is said to have "invented the World Wide
>> Web".  There were people who earlier suggested some kind of linked shared information, like Ted Nelson.
>> http://webfoundation.org/about/vision/history-of-the-web/
>> sdw

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